Apply now: Research-based Teaching Project cooperates with Religionskundlicher Sammlung Münster
In Winter Semester 2019/20 the course "Between Iconophily and Iconoclasm: On the Role of Images in Religion and Society" will cooperate with the Religionskundliche Sammlung of the University of Münster to enables students to supplement their own research with practical experience in developing exhibitions and dealing with academic collections.
The Religionskundliche Sammlung is part of the Department for Roman Catholic Theology in Münster and has been established in the 1950s. The collection of non-European religious artefacts and materials has only sporadically been researched on and gives fruitful insights into how European theologians perceived other religions back in the days.
Even though the main language of the course is exspected to be German, terms can be negotiated with the course teachers. Please contact the teachers (see below) if you have any questions in regard to applied languages.
The course is now open for applications: Please send an application (including a motivation letter and individual research questions on the topic) to Dr. Patrick Felix Krüger until 15th of September 2019. The course is appropriate to advanced undergraduate students and graduate MA students of the CERES programs in religious studies as well as other diciplines like theology, art history, history and anthropology/ethnology. Students of other subjects are welcomed as well. Students applying do not require any preconditions in terms of knowledge.